Quest PeopleSoft Conference Draws 360 Users
Quest markets PeopleSoft RECONNECT as "the ONLY PeopleSoft-specific event in North America", which 1) is a shame, and 2) ignores the annual Alliance Conference (HEUG) for Higher Ed and Public Sector PeopleSoft users. Attendance was up, and sessions - especially the Oracle delivered product and tools updates - were comprehensive.
RECONNECT is turning into a decent gathering. The depth and number of Oracle led sessions made this a major step up from regional meetings. And the PeopleSoft only focus made this a step above Collaborate from a, well, collaborating and knowledge-sharing perspective. All PeopleSoft, all the time - with a touch of Fusion - makes more sense for most customers.
Last year was the first RECONNECT conference, which was a re-labeled SNUG meeting. Quest sees potential here, finally. The sense I got from speaking to Quest people at the conference is they are committed to grow RECONNECT, as an annual July/August event, but they still seem to feel that Collaborate just needs better marketing to draw the PeopleSoft crowd. Beacon, and most PeopleSoft customers, have long given up on going to Denver or Vegas to mingle with EBS and JDE users.
PeopleSoft RECONNECT is probably the best (and last) chance PeopleSoft customers have to REestablish a conference all about their needs and issues. If you are the type of PeopleSoft customer who enjoys the behind the scenes user group work necessary to make these kind of conferences top-notch, Quest could use more PeopleSoft-specific input. And if you are going to a conference next year for PeopleSoft info, (and you don't work at a university) this is one I suggest you consider first.