The Choice of Experience

Beacon Consulting Overview

Beacon Services - Our Approach to Running Projects


 Beacon is a project-oriented ERP consulting firm focused on partnering with our customers to rapidly deploy the right solutions. 

We work in concert with our customers by providing industry specific and product expertise. We take knowledge transfer and customer self-sufficiency as a metric of our success.

Beacon works with you to create a strategy for you to adopt or update new enterprise applications.

Beacon was founded on the idea that organizations like yours are looking for an experienced partner—with both application and business expertise—to help them harness the technology of their enterprise applications, and to meet the challenges of ever-changing business requirements, government and regulatory compliance, and technology advancements.

Our approach is to provide the business expertise, combined with the knowledge of software implementation. This application-oriented approach lets us leverage the knowledge, goals and strategic objectives of our customers. We design, configure, and deploy enterprise software solutions that meet these agreed upon goals and objectives. We focus on moving your organization to more efficient and effective levels throughout the life cycle of your ownership.

1. Consistent Project Approach


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A project plan or an overall road map defines the criteria for the forthcoming design and deployment of a set of enterprise applications. Every project involves considerations of and trade offs between these five factors:

  • What is the company (and finance or HR) strategy?
  • How and who will govern application structures?
  • Which technology is to be used?
  • Are processes standardized, integrated and efficient?
  • Will system attract and retain its users?

Each of these factors can be further broken down. For example, what are all the business processes (daily, monthly, quarterly. etc) There are also system processes -  to request, approve and test changes to the application.

A comprehensive, consistant and proven approach gathers and considers intial definitions. and involves mutilple levels in the organization.


2. Project Charter

Early analysis and and assessment of all aspects of the project allows the creation of a Project Charter. A Project Charter is a short, high-level document that:

  • Issued by the Project Sponsor(s)
  • Identifies major stakeholders,
  • Gives a preliminary definition of roles and responsibilities
  • Outlines project objectives
  • Defines and empowers project manager authority (resources, budget, etc.)


The project charter is a living document, and guides the future decisions of the project. Beacon  encourages constant reference to the overall charter, when questions, issues or risk items arise.

ERP and other entrprise applications require a disciplined appoah and a project charter. Beacon begins with these two important steps for each projects. We begin all projects, whether an evaluation or pilot  project,  a cloud or on-premises implemtation or modernization,  with these two important steps.

A solid approach and a realistic charter help guide the project, and also helps manage project risk. The short amount of time needed to produce these two documents right up front give early control and management of the project right from the beginning