Part of Move to Subscription Pricing
Effective September 1, Beacon has a new "small" price for BEAM software modules. Organizations and institutions with annual revenue under 1 billion dollars will now be able to subscribe to BEAM Test, or BEAM Change, for $1,200 per month. Both modules may be run for $2000, a discount of 20%. The License fee for organizations under 1 billion in annual revenue/operating budget has been reduced to $30,000 per module.
BEAM Subscription Prices
Annual Revenue/Budget Per module Both Modules
Under 1 Billion Dollars $1,200/month $2000/month
Under 10 Billion $2,400/month $4000/month
Over 10 Billion $3,600/month $6000/month
Customers may still acquire the software via a traditional software license agreement, with annual maintenance. Subscription prices are an alternative way to pay for use of the software..
These subscription fees are per company. BEAM products are licensed for one complete set of PeopleSoft production instances.