Application Change Management Software for PeopleSoft
BEAM software automates repetitive PeopleSoft tasks. PeopleSoft task automation brings time and costs savings. Automation also standardizes and co-ordinates tasks, while providing control, audit trails, and logs of all activities.
BEAM Change focuses on automation of the IT tasks of PeopleSoft updates and migrations. BEAM Change adds a module to compare data and data structure between environments.
BEAM Test focuses on the automation of repetitive user application tasks, including automated testing, mass maintenance, and the planning, management, and coordination of these tasks across the enterprise.
BEAM Change automates application change control activities for PeopleSoft, including migration workflows, impact analysis, database object and file migration, approvals, versioning, restore and auditing.
Beginning with Release 5.2 BEAM Change also includes BEAM Compare functionality. Jobs to compare data, data structures, PeopleCode and SQL Objects - between environments -are delivered with BEAM Change
BEAM Change is compatible with all Oracle supported PeopleSoft 8.x and 9.x application releases, on PeopleTools 8.4x and 8.5x. The current release of BEAM Change, Release 5.3, supports PeopleTools through version 8.56. BEAM Change is compatible with all PeopleSoft supported DBMS platforms and operating systems.
Beacon Application Services
40 Speen Street
Suite 104
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 781.856.0109